BD athlete Adam Ondra on first ascent of L’étrange Ivresse des Lenteurs (9a+), Ceüse, France


Black Diamond athlete Adam Ondra is unquestionably one of the world’s top rock climbers. But what makes this Czech teenager so unstoppable, what drives him? We sent ace photographer/videographer Bernardo Gimenez (who also put together the Nico Favresse video profile) to meet up with Ondra at the French mega-crag of Ceüse to get the answers… which he did—as well as some sweet footage of Ondra making the first ascent of L’étrange Ivresse des Lenteurs (9a+). A tasteful blend of climbing footage and interview footage, we feel this video profile does as good a job as anything we’ve seen in showcasing the personality and determination of Adam Ondra. To see a great collection of photos Gimenez took of Ondra in Ceüse, go to:​en-us/​journal/​climb/​athletes/​video-profile-bd-athlete-adam-ondra-climbing-9a-in-ce%C3%BCse

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