Cannondale Pro Cycling Team Hollywood Highlights


January 2013: All the way from Hollywood, LA, we bring you exclusive highlights from Paramount Studios and the official launch of the Cannondale Pro Cycling Team. Watch the riders arrive in style as they walk the black carpet, with paparazzi aplenty, on their way to the theatre for the main event. A celebration of a newly formed cycling team, presented by legendary rider and commentator Bob Roll, before kicking back on the “streets of New York” with a live DJ for the after show party. Keep a close eye out for celebrities Erika Christensen and leading actors Shemar Moore and Joe Mantegna from CBS hit “Criminal Minds” as they grab a photo or two with the stars of the peloton.

Team website:
Twitter: @cannondalePro

Believe in Green. Believe in Cannondale Pro Cycling. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

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