BD athlete Chris Schulte early spring bouldering in Colorado’s high country


Black Diamond athlete Chris Schulte recently sent us this video and report of his early season bouldering forays into the Colorado high country. Nice to see the trees budding, the snow melting and boulders drying out! The video was shot a couple months ago, and now the alpine bouldering season is in full swing. ========================================================================================== Winter has moved on, and the infrequent snowstorms that passed through the Front Range have given way to spring showers, feeding green shoots and tiny buds, washing the chalk off the lowland grips and intermittently confining one to a rest day or a gym session. As the seasons revolve along, the sun burns away the tiny amounts of snow we got up here in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, and with the exception of a wild winter wind having deposited some unusual drifts here and there, the alpine season is starting up quickly and nicely. It’s always a treat to head up into the higher zones at the beginning of each new season: the journey takes one through a few different layers in the climatic strata, down roads often travelled but not seen for many months. It’s a nostalgic trip, and the familiarity of the roads and trails sets a pace and a mood for the day. Early in the season, the journey is just as valuable as the climbing, if not more so. The first forays are little reconaissance sorties into the middle layers, the roadside sectors of the mountains, like Guanella Pass or the Bear

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